Are You a Magician or a Mule?

A good friend of mine encouraged me to read the book, "Magician vs. Mule" by Mark Evans DM, years ago and at first, I was curious—which one did he think I was?

Not to get too wrapped up in that thought, I ordered the book and quickly realized which one I was… and I humbly admit that I was the mule.

What's the difference?

Think about it—when you picture a magician, what qualities come to mind?

Conversely, what actions or behaviors do you envision when you picture a mule?

Now, take a step back— which one are you?

It's okay, I won't tell anyone, but I will share what I discovered about myself… as a mule.

What did a mule and I have in common? 

We loved to take it all on: every last task, problem, solution, worry, strategy, meeting… you name it, go ahead and strap it to my back. I can do it all… or can I?

When you're type A and love to control your environment, it's easy to want to keep all the tasks to yourself. Why? Because you know the quality of work you're capable of, and most often, you're not disappointed with what you produce.

So, what's the problem?

You only have a finite amount of time.

Acting as a mule will only get you buried in the details and burned out.

What's the difference with being a magician?

First, let me ask, when was the last time you watched a magician? How did you feel watching the experience unfold?

Effortless, marveled, surprised, in awe, excited, happy, joyful… do any of these words come to mind?

Would you like to feel more of that in your day-to-day?

If you thought "yes," great answer!

Magicians get more done in less time.

They use the resources around them to accomplish seemingly challenging, difficult tasks that often feel too cumbersome to complete.

Magicians hire the right people to get the hard things done, so they can focus on strategy, unexpected fire drills, or making money.

As a magician, you ask yourself where you need help and then find the people with the expertise.

Case in point: I've heard countless stories from industry leaders about their struggles with getting technicians to make quality videos. They don’t have the time to teach them or the resources to monitor them, so what happens?

Videos continue to be made (or not), and no one knows if they are good (or not).

With too many things to focus on, the program is brushed aside, and it’s all for naught.

What would happen if you were a magician instead of a mule?

What could you do to relieve this burden—one that you know is crucial to your business—and turn you from a pack mule into someone pulling rabbits out of a hat?

Don't worry—I have the answer.

Hire Shift Awake Group.

We remove the burden of having an unsuccessful video program and replace it with a thriving program your customers talk about, trust, and feel comfortable approving recommendations they see and learn about.

We turn you into the magician.

Why Trust Shift Awake Group?

  1. Proven Success: We have a track record of transforming dealership operations, increasing revenue, and boosting customer satisfaction.

  2. Expert Training: Our comprehensive training program equips your technicians with the skills they need to create high-quality videos that build trust and transparency.

  3. Ongoing Support: We provide continuous coaching and support to ensure that your team stays on track and consistently improves.

  4. Customized Solutions: We tailor our approach to meet the unique needs of your dealership, ensuring that you get the most out of our program.

  5. Industry Expertise: Led by Jacqueline Jasionowski, an industry expert with years of experience, Shift Awake Group understands the challenges you face and how to overcome them.

With our program, you'll experience increased CSI, higher profits, and happier employees. Don't let the competition outpace you. Become the magician your team needs.

Ready to transform your dealership?

Contact us today to learn more about The Video Circuit and how we can help you achieve your goals.


From The Front Lines: What I Learned from Interviewing 1200 Technicians